Automatic Floor Boosting
Boost the Floor
"Buy Floor, Sell High"
Virtual Swap -> Extra Floor Boost
Move LP Strategy Wallet Tokens out of circulation into the Storehouse Bin (#51)
Move [maximum 10%] of the ETH LP from the (FULL) bin below the active bin.
-> Place ETH into LP at Floor price (boost floor price via low impact arbitrage)
-> When the Floor is sold into -> ETH LP converts to Token LP (Virtually Buying Low) -> Repeat -> Automatic LP Floor Boosting
Burn Fees
From the floor bin, up to 5 bins above floor, burn fees instead go to the LP Strategy Wallet
When the price is
5 + n Bins
above thefloor bin
, Virtual Swaps safely boost the floor between Rebalances, burning those tokens after a price rise.
RFV Flash Loan Fees
Enabling the Pool to provide single block flash loans, is an entirely risk free way for the pool to earn more fees for itself to grow.
Banker Joe flash loan fees are
of flash loan volume will net the pool a passive RFV profit of$640
Users execute borrows and loans via Banker Joe (a TJ Protocol)
Onyx Lily tokens are released via a Trader Joe v2.1 Liquidity Pool. The purchase of Onyx Lily tokens does not constitute an investment contract or any form of investment advice.
Onyx Lily no guarantees or promises about the future value or performance of the token, and the value of the token may fluctuate significantly.
Also note that it might be illegal for you to own Onyx Lily depending on your jurisdiction, check with your local laws.
Last updated